The Winged Ones
The Winged Ones is a sacred jewelry line curated by Urban 728 yogi and Dance of Liberation™ founder Parashakti. These ceremonially-blessed Power Objects are infused with Eagle Medicine and accompanied by The East Gate online activation program. They provide a transformative experience that enhances inner wisdom and connects you to your higher self.

OUR PASSION: WE LOVE YOUR BODY – Behind every Onzie design, you’ll discover a deep respect for what the human body can do. Whether you’re working out or just working it, Onzie’s creative cuts, prints and patterns want to come along for the ride, infusing playfulness, confidence and self-expression into every move you make.

Love is Clothing
WHAT IS LOVE? This was the question asked to my 5 year old son in pre-school that inspired me to start this clothing line. He responded “Love is… different feelings”. His response was simple, honest, and certainly open to interpretation. Yet, it made me realize the definition of love is different for everyone. And that difference is especially fascinating in children.